Who are you talking to?
Communication is the key to any good relationship, and understanding your audience needs, desires, attitudes, and behavior will make you a better partner. Spil's research services are designed to segment your audience, grasp their pain points, target the most valuable customers, and position your brand.

Online Surveys
Online Surveys are a fast, efficient way of gathering consumer insights. They can be taken anywhere, on any device, and at any time. We help design effective questions based on your objectives and can precisely target your key demographic.
Market Opportunity Analysis
Market Opportunity Analysis studies the viability of your product or idea within a specific geographic region or among a target demographic. We will help determine your potential market, target market, and actual market along with suggested segmentation.
Segmentation Analysis
Segmentation Analysis categorizes customers into relevant subgroups to define Personas based on emotional qualities, attitude, needs, and behavior. The purpose is to garner greater insight to improve communications and brand resonance.
Street Intercepts
Intercept Interviews, audio and video, capture consumer emotions as they experience different brands and environments. These help to define needs and relevant pain points, as well shape customer journeys and inform differentiation strategy.
Ethnographic research provides an observational, unintrusive, 360º view of how people naturally behave and interact in a given environment. This helps to identify unstated needs, desires, behaviors, and motivations related new products, services, markets, and cultural values.
Social Listening
Through Social Listening, we take the temperature of consumer sentiment toward your industry, your brands, and your competitors. We learn which online channels are relevant and what types of content and messaging resonate.